Voicemail and IVR
Voicemail answering service has become an integral part of business phone systems. This innovative facility is meant
for handling calls that you are not able to attend personally.
Professiona Greetings and Announcements
Business voicemail answering service is an ideal option if you want to enhance your business image. You can add professionally recorded
greetings in your business phone system for efficient telecommunication. You can customize the voice messages as per your requirements
and modify greeting messages and password code.
Easy-to-use Voice Mail Box Systems
Unattended calls or busy tones may cause you to lose important business calls. The voice mail box facility will help you manage such s
ituations capably. This facility lets the callers save their valuable time by leaving their voice messages in the voice mail boxes of the
PBX phone systems.
Create a Professional Look for Your Company: You can impart a professional image to your company with the advanced features of a voice
mail answering service.
IVR Systems
AppsComm provides interactive voice response (IVR) solutions for businesses, contact centers and other organizations requiring automated
call answering.AppsComm IVR solutions are both affordable and expandable.AppsComm provides IVR phone systems, software, development
services and hosted IVR to businesses and community organizations alike. These highly adaptable and flexible phone systems can perform
both inbound call distribution as well as outbound dialing campaigns.